Is your pooch looking pudgy? Is your cat a little chunky? Pet obesity is common. Just like people, sometimes pets are overweight. Some surveys say as many as half of household dogs and cats are overweight or obese. That extra weight can cause a lot of health issues, including diabetes, heart problems, or arthritis. What can you do to determine if your pet is overweight?
Examine your Pet
The first step to determining if your pet is overweight is to examine them physically. Take a look at their body from the side and from above. If they don’t have defined features, but look rather round, it is likely that your pet may be carrying some excess weight. You should be able to feel your pet’s ribs by placing your hands around their chest. You can also check this website for an idea about your dog and cat’s ideal weight based on their breed.

Look Out for Signs of Obesity
There are several common signs that your pet may be overweight. The number one sign, of course, is the scale increasing. If you weigh your pet and their weight consistently increases, this is an indicator that they may be on their way to becoming obese. Another sign is their collar becoming tight. If you have their collar adjusted to fit them, and it starts to become snug, then it is likely they are beginning to put on a few additional pounds. Other indicators of obesity include labored breathing, a lack of mobility or difficulty getting around, or losing interest in physical activity.
What Next?
If you think your pet is overweight or obese, consult your veterinarian immediately about what you can do to help your pet lose weight. Pets of a healthy weight can live up to 2.5 years longer than overweight pets. Keeping your pet in good shape will help them stay healthy, and live longer and happier lives.